
I have been teaching yoga since 2015, my training in Alignment Yoga with a strong focus on studying human anatomy and physiology. We looked at how the body moves naturally and most efficiently. I have also been a licensed massage therapist for 24 years and it is through these deeper understandings of body mechanics that I learned how to move into and teach yoga poses that build strength and stability with less of an emphasis on pure flexibility.  “Blessed are the Stiff,” my teacher often said. Too much flexibility can be the cause of more harm than good as the joints can then become vulnerable to injury. 

I teach a style of yoga that I call Yoga Strong, combining the best of both mindful, meditative movement with ass kicking, full body strengthening movements. The focus of class is on Strength, Balance and Mobility, never flexibility, though that may come as a result. This type of functional fitness allows us to move our bodies the way they were designed to move and leaves us feeling strong and serene at the same time.

I became certified to teach Paddleboard Yoga in 2014, in San Diego, CA. Paddleboard Yoga requires an incredible amount of focus and at the same time allows us to be playful and have a whole lot of fun. I find it to be a great approach to yoga as well as life in general. 

Few things make me happier than feeling strong, moving my body and inspiring others while having a whole lot of fun in the process. I am serious about fitness but don’t take myself too seriously. Life is serious enough on it's own. If we can work hard together, get a good sweat on and feel vibrant and alive at the end of class while laughing and enjoying ourselves, it’s been a good day indeed. My goal is to be doing this kind of movement, both on land and on the water, for the rest of my life and inspire others to do the same. 

May we all find Strength to make great choices, Mobility to move with ease, Balance to find peace amid the chaos, and a sense of lightness that enables us to find Joy and Laughter everyday.

Today is a beautiful day.